Check list for your moving

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2 to 4 months ago

o Prepare an inventory of the items you don’t want to take with you and assess what is the best solution: sell, give away or throw away.

o Consider using a warehouse for bulky items you don’t want to move but want to keep.

  No space available? We can help you with our warehouses.

o Make sure you have a folder for the various documents related to the move: estimate, receipts, inventory, etc.

o Start thinking about transporting your pet.

One month ago

o Find out about phone, internet and other services for your new home. If possible, move the services to your new home in advance.

Two weeks earlier

Contact the providers of the following services:

o Television: digital terrestrial, Sky etc.

o Electricity supplier.

o Water and gas suppliers.

o Subscriptions

o Notify all institutions where you have installment payments, leases or loans.

Report your move:

• Family doctor, dentist, vet, etc.

• The post office (to redirect mail to family or friends and/or to the new address).

• Bank and insurance.

• Revenue Agency.

• Friends and family.

A week earlier

o Plan your last meals to empty the fridge and freezer.

o Purchase various packaging materials (mobile cardboard, tape, hangers, bubble wrap for fragile items, etc.). If you don’t know how… we’ll take care of it!

o Contact us and confirm the start day and time of the move.

o Two days ago

o Defrost the fridge and freezer.

o Start packing the most fragile items.

o Organize the labels for the various boxes (divided by room and content)

o Read also the article

The day before the move

o Prepare a personal kit to take with you (food, drinks, GPS, etc.) if the trip is long.

o Prepare a kit for your pets (food, water, carrier, documents, etc.).

o Collect valuables such as jewelery or watches in a separate container.

Moving day: what to do?

o Read counters (preserving data).

o Turn off the electricity and water (if necessary).

o Close doors and windows.

And leave everything else to us! Your move will be stress free with us!!

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